About United Women in Faith
“The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.”
United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women) is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members. Members raise up to $20 million each year for programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United States and more than 100 countries throughout the world. Through various name changes over the years, from the Mite Society to the Ladies Aid Society, the Women’s Society of Christian Service, the United Methodist Women, and today, United Women in Faith.
Hereford Faith & Life Church has had a women’s group meeting for over 150 years. The local church units are connected to the District, the Conference, the Jurisdiction and the National and Worldwide United Methodist Church. Through sending representatives to the Conference School of Missions, using the program booklet, the Missionary Calendar and the Response Magazine, members become informed on current issues affecting women worldwide.
In addition to supporting global missions, each month a local mission such as CROP, Vacation Bible School, First Fruits Farm, Susanna Wesley House or other charity receives a donation. The Hereford UWF does not hold fundraisers; all donations are from a free will offering taken at each monthly meeting.