Small Groups
Register for a new Life Group!
It’s easy to feel lost or feel disconnected in a growing church. That’s why we encourage people to join and be a part of a Small Group. Small Groups is where we make a connection with others. It’s where we do life together. We apply what we are learning in our faith in a loving, encouraging and safe environment. Small Groups is where a deep sense of belonging develops and where transformation takes place as we grow together in Christ. We have found that doing life together is much better than trying to do it alone.
HFLC has several kinds of Small Groups for people to join. We have Life Groups, Bible Groups and Interest Groups (people joining together around a common hobby, sport or interest). We encourage every person to be connected to others by joining one or more of the small groups.
If you have never attended a Life Group before, then you don’t know what you are missing!
Build a connection that will last a lifetime, by taking the first step and register.
For more information about our Small Groups ministry, or to locate one closest to you – please contact our church secretary. Make the connection today! Join a Small Group!