Easter Sunday will be here before we know it and in an effort to be the hands and feet of Jesus and bless our local community, Hereford Faith and Life will be making Easter baskets for the children whose parents utilize the Hereford Food Bank.
There is a SignUpGenius if you and your family would like to personally select items to be added into the baskets or cash/electronic monetary donations can be made directly through the church website or office. Donate now.
We will begin collecting donations at the church office beginning Monday, March 8th during normal office hours or donations can be dropped off in the collection bins before or after Sunday service on Sunday March 14th and again on March 21st. If you would prefer for your items to be picked up, please contact Melissa Daniels at 443-243-9599 to set up a time.
Currently, there are 22 children needing baskets, ranging in age from 1 to 17 years old, with 13 girls and 9 boys. Little ones are always fun to shop for but, quite often teenagers can be forgotten and so we want to make sure these teens get plenty of love too!
This would be a great family project during our Lenten season and a good way to involve your children and maybe even neighbors! No donation is too small and all gifts are greatly appreciated!
Easter is early this year, so don’t wait to “HOP” on board!
Matthew 25:40
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these My brothers and sisters, you did for Me.’