HFNL is an active congregation of The United Methodist Church. The UMC is a 12.3-million-strong global church whose mission is “To make disciples for the transformation of the world!” We believe that all people need a vital relationship with Jesus Christ that not only transforms their lives, but impacts their world with the love and grace of God.
HFNL’s mission is to invite people to “Experience Faith and life in Jesus Christ.” We do this by loving people, encouraging them in their faith journey, and empowering them to live for Christ in their spheres of influence.
Making the Connections
We ask our members to make 3 Connections

Connect with God
. We do that through Worship. Be with us Sunday mornings and grow in your relationship with God as you worship Him within the context of the Body of Christ.
Connect with People
. We do that through our Small Groups. Discipleship is best lived out in the context of a small group of fellow disciples who are committed to living out their faith together.
Connect with your Community
. We do that through serving the people in our neighborhoods and communities where we live and sharing the love of God by acts of kindness and service.